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Paranormal 60 with Dave Schrader welcomes Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer back for a special Episode of the mysterious “WAR TIME PARANORMAL: The Red Light Demons!”

Science has proven there is more to the universe than what humans can naturally perceive. Yet what exists beyond the range of our five physical senses?

During the Vietnam War, the US military temporarily used Red Night Vision Goggles which expanded soldiers’ vision beyond the normal range of the human eye—and what they saw was horrifying.

Were they hallucinations, or glimpses into a parallel dimension?

Dave Schrader and Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer will discuss the Red Light Demon Vision Goggles…but beware, you may never look into darkness the same way again…

Paranormal 60 airs on YouTube and Most Podcast Platforms.

To view/listen to this episode: CLICK HERE for PARNORMAL 60 with DAVE SCHRADER

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